I am a lover of handbags and wallets and have been buying since as far back as I can remember. 10 years ago I made the switch to designer bags and have never looked back, to the point where I now own 60+ bags and clutches, 10 wallets, and a number of various small leather goods (SLG) such as pouches and cardholders.
Every year I tell myself to buy less (clearly unsuccessful) and it wasn’t until the last two years that I have been able to make some real progress.
In 2013 I made a new year’s resolution to shop from my own closet and let go of items that weren’t really working for me. I had a plan to use a different bag and wallet combination each month - this worked for a while but for practical reasons I had to at times switch to a different bag. No big deal, I was still doing a lot better than previous years and I was able to get a better idea of why I wasn’t using certain ones, and what styles were actually working for my lifestyle. That same year, I was able to sell a majority of my wallets and SLGs and actually get down to a reasonable amount. I did make a couple of bag sales but nothing to make a dent.
This year my goals were a little bit more specific and I had hoped to get my collection down to approximately 25 bags and 10 wallets, and exercise the “one-in, one-out rule”. In the beginning of the year I was able to sell a couple more wallets and unknowingly achieved my goal of 10 wallets, not counting one I use specifically for travel, and another I am retiring soon (but will never get rid of since it was the first gift my now-husband gave me).
This year I also tracked the number of times I used a bag and after each season, I assess my list and then mark off which ones I might consider selling due to lack of wear, boredom, or it no longer suits my lifestyle. I still own a lot of bags but I now have a much better idea of what I will use versus “it looks awesome, I have to have it, just so I can stare at it but never use it.”