My goals for 2015 were to:
- continue to downsize the number of shoes I have - I purged a lot this year but there are still some that I can let go of. Also, I won't be replacing a number of them when they wear through - I ended up purchasing 9 pairs of shoes and was given 2 pairs of pre-loved shoes, for a total of 11 pairs of shoes in. I sold 2 pairs of shoes and donated several pairs (unfortunately, I did not keep tabs on how many I left go). My total count for shoes is 46 pairs =S
- continue to work on using the things I love and not worry about them getting ruined - Still continuing to do this, which is great. I can definitely see that I'm not as panicky when it comes to wearing my Burberry coats.
- build a capsule wardrobe for each month - unlike some capsule wardrobe challenges, I'm not limiting the number of items I will use but I will make sure the amount is reasonable - This was a bust. For most of the year I did not have my Stylebook App, but think the major reason was that I still have too many items. I ended up switching to a color capsule which yielded better results but it tells me I still need to downsize my wardrobe
- continue to shop out of my bag and wallet collection and implement a one-in, one-out rule. - My biggest success for my goals, and personal best when it comes to not buying any bags or wallets. I bought 1 MbMj backpack which is something I don't have and therefore not counted as a bag, and my husband gifted me a wallet. I sold a cardholder earlier in the year. All in all, I did amazing! There are still 10 bags I didn't use this year so I will be trying to see if I use them in 2016.
- rotate through all my wallets throughout the year. - My husband was away for most of the year so while he was gone, I missed him and mostly used the 2 wallets he gave me so I didn't make a complete rotation of my wallets. I still had 6 wallet I didn't use, in addition to my travel wallet.
- use jewelry more to accessorize my daily outfits. - still making progress with it and was gifted a few items.The Swarovski bracelet I purchased was used quite often.
- continue to purge, re-fine, and down-size my wardrobe. - still working on this and despite removing a number of items, I did bring in 62 items, including items gifted to me.
- budget $1,000 for wardrobe purchases (not including investment pieces that may replace current wardrobe staples). - I exceeded my budget by approximately $240. Not bad considering I never implemented a budget before.
- downsize the number of jackets and coats - this started out great, and I managed to let go of 3 jackets/coats, but then I purchased 1 investment coat, 1 casual jacket, and was given 2 other coats.
- use the bags I weren't able to use in 2014 - if I don't use them again in 2015, consider letting them go. - I managed to get through a great rotation of my bags and of the 8 I didn't use in 2014, I used 5 in 2015. There are still 3 bags I haven't used in the last 2 years and so far I am thinking of selling 1 of them.
- have some purchase-free months - I had 3 purchase-free months.