Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Second chances - my Dr. Martens

I've had these shoes since my grade school days and I remember wanting them soooo badly. I wore them for a year and put them away. Since returning from university, I have debated many times to let these go but didn't have the heart to because I remember how happy I was to finally get them, and also they are in really, really good condition.

This year, I made a decision to wear them. I brought them to my own home (they were living at my parents' place) and began a Pinterest board of outfit ideas. On the weekends, I dabbled in some casual outfits, mostly consisting of jeans and a sweatshirt, but last week, I debuted them for the first time in an actual, thought-out outfit for work.

Using my Stylebook App, and inspirations from Pinterest, I put together this outfit:

Other outfits I plan to wear them with are:

You'll note another mustard yellow cardigan =) Bonus! They match the signature stitching of my Dr. Martens perfectly. 

I am SO happy that I decided to keep these and am over-joyed that I will finally be able to enjoy them fashionably, and not part of a school uniform.

I also have the boot version and am working on outfits for those too - stay-tuned.... =)


  1. Aarrgh, eggtart. I am loving the outfits you put together showcasing your Doc Marten's. It made me run to my closet to double check, but yes, I did give my short, black Doc Marten boots away. Oh well, they served me well for many years and I had not worn them for many years. Looking at yours, brought back many great memories!!

    1. Thanks, Mimmy! I've rediscovered my love for them and am just so happy to be getting the use out of them that they deserve. I can't wait to wear them in, and out =)
